EASA Part 66 Image Banks (B1)

Aircraft Technical Book Company


Sale price $1,176.47 Regular price $1,470.59

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The Image Banks for EASA Part 66 (B1) consist of downloadable .jpg images for every B1.1 module, as well as modules 12 and 16. Cat-A1 instructors should utilize the B1.1 image bank. These images can be integrated into presentations, quizzes, and handouts for educational purposes. The images are categorized by module and figure number from the book. Each module contains all drawings, photos, and charts. The image banks are provided as a web link and can be shared among instructors within the same campus.

Image banks are FREE for schools who regularly provide ATB modules for students; (meaning your school has purchased 10 or more sets within the past 12 months.) If this is you, or if your 147 program is new or now changing to ATB modules, please write to orders@actechbooks.com or call +1 970-726-5111.

Product Specifications
Aircraft Technical Book Co.
Edition: Current Editions

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