Tietco - Mybigkneeboard (Mbk) Universal Phone & Tablet Kneeboard | OTCO152



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The MyBigKneeboard is a tablet and iPhone kneeboard for use with almost any tablet or smartphone with dimensions from 3 inches (7.5 cm) to 12 inches (30 cm) and a thickness (including case) up to .95 inches. This is the product to choose if you want to keep your tablet in your everyday case when flying or if you are using an armored case such as the Otterbox® or Lifeproof® case.

Our new design allows the plastic clips to be adjusted to accomodate may different size tablet and phaplets. Clips can hold a Galaxy Note in portrait mode all the way up to an full size iPad in the landscape mode. With this kind of versatility upgrading your tablet will not require a change of kneeboard.

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