Taildragger Tactics, Imeson | B AUR 020

Aurora Publications

B AUR 020

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BRAND NEW, from the author of "Mountain Flying Bible". "Taildragger Tactics" contains operations and techniques for flying conventional-gear airplanes. It is loaded with information, facts and plain English explanations to eliminate mistakes. Taildraggers are not harder to fly than tricycle-gear airplanes; they are different. Once the differences are mastered, the pilot has no more trouble operating the taildragger than the tricycle gear, despite the fact the taildragger has stricter limitations concerning crosswind operations. The book has been structured to allow one to read from the beginning to the end much like a novel. Each chapter builds and expands upon information that was presented in the previous chapter; however, each chapter is also self-contained to allow one to read only the chapters desired. Flying a taildragger requires knowledge and skill. The knowledge is imparted in this book. The skill is something that must be developed in the airplane.

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