Right Footed™ tells the incredible story of Jessica Cox, who was born without arms but managed to become fully independent, learning to type with her toes, drive a car and most amazingly — fly an airplane with her feet. This inspiring documentary follows her over the course of two years as she gets married, becomes a mentor for children with disabilities, and a disability rights activist working on the world stage.
Winner of 17 major awards including "Best Documentary" at the Mirabile Dictu Film Festival, Rome and "Best Social Action Film 2015" at the Hollywood Film Festival, Right Footed was also screened at EAA Oshkosh. Rated "five doves" by the Dove Foundation and endorsed as "Family Friendly" for all ages.
This Deluxe Edition DVD features over 25 minutes of bonus video content including never-before seen deleted scenes and bonus features as well as trailers. It also contains a commentary track with director Nick Spark and Jessica Cox and Patrick Chamberlain.
See it and you'll understand why Jessica Cox was rated one of the top ten living pilots by Plane & Pilot Magazine!
Run time: 82 minutes with 25+ minutes of bonus features
Dialogue: English, with English, Spanish and Portuguese closed captions (main feature only; bonus video segments do not have captions).
Rating: Not rated
Format: NTSC, Region 0
Presented in widescreen