ASA - ACS: Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) 11.1 eBook | ASA-ACS-11-EB

Aviation Supplies & Academics Inc.


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The Airman Certification Standards is the guide for students, instructors, and FAA-designated examiners to know what applicants must know, do, and consider for their FAA Knowledge Exam and practical (checkride) to earn their pilot certificate or rating. Effective June 28, 2019, the ACS adds task-specific knowledge and risk management elements to each Area of Operation and Task. The result is a comprehensive presentation that integrates the standards for what an applicant needs to know, consider, and do in order to pass both the knowledge test and the practical test for a certificate or rating.

NOTE: Those seeking to prepare for Aircraft Dispatcher certification should continue to use FAA-8081-5F.7, which contains FAA-S-8081-10.

    eBook Specifications:

    • Part Number ASAACS11.1EB
    • ISBN 9781619549005
    • Author FAA
    • ISBN 978-1-61954-900-5
    • Effective June 28, 2019
    • Date Published 2019

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