Gradient Cockpit Glass Prop Filter 52

Flight Flix


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Video in the cockpit is a challenge trying to balance the bright light in the windows against the low light in the cockpit. Flight Flix designed the cockpit prop filter to level the light conditions. With the top half a filter a prop filter, and the bottom half clear, your camera can stop fighting adjusting to one or the other.
Want to eliminate that annoying propeller effect? Half of this filter is a Standard ND8 prop filter. How does a prop filter work? An HD camera image sensor is controlled by the amount of light it senses. In normal lighting conditions, the scanning frame rate of any CMOS HD camera causes any fast moving objects to move during the scanning motion (frame rate) of the camera. Our filter tricks the lens sensor into increasing the exposure value of the camera.

This 52mm filter fits all Flight Flix 52 filter adapters and safe cases.