Checkmate - ESP CheckMate! "Emergency Substitute Pilot" | 02AR009

CheckMate Aviation


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Checkmate's E.S.P. CheckMate - Our "Emergency Substitute Pilot" Checklist. Find out how ESP CheckMate could easily be the difference in saving lives if something happens to the pilot!!

ESP CheckMate has been selected by AOPA's Air Safety Foundation, to be included, as official course materials for their renown Pinch-Hitter course.

ESP CheckMate is a 1st for Aviation. Our guide could save the lives of you and your passengers by providing the most basic and simplest of terms and procedures to the NON-PILOT, in the unfortunate event the real pilot becomes incapacitated.
It assists the NON-PILOT in controlling the aircraft, reaching help on the radio, and if necessary, landing the aircraft. The graphical format makes it easy and comfortable to follow. ESP CheckMate can easily be the difference in the outcome of this most serious type of emergency.

For safety and readability, we are publishing only in 7.5 x 10 size.

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